Oral surgery

healthy smile

Oral surgical interventions deserve special attention.

We carry out these dental treatments in a painless manner using local anaesthesia, and in a professional way, which results in a short healing period.


Tooth extraction

Tooth extraction is one of the most common oral surgical interventions. At Egressy Dental, tooth extraction is the last resort for dentists when no other preservative dental treatment can save your teeth. This can happen in the case of failure to treat gum diseases or advanced dental caries, or with teeth and roots that can no longer be repaired.

Wisdom tooth extraction

Wisdom teeth usually need to be extracted due to their adverse position and not because of dental caries. When they come out in an abnormal position, they often cause pain. If you are lucky, wisdom tooth extraction is just like extracting any other tooth. In most cases, however, extracting wisdom teeth may be difficult due to their position. The average healing period following the extraction of the upper wisdom teeth is 3-4 days, and it is 5-6 days in the case of the lower wisdom teeth.

Root apex resection

Root apex resection is one of the many ways of preserving a tooth. The procedure includes the removal of the infected tip of the endodontically treated tooth root and the cleaning of the surrounding tissue. This intervention can only be applied after root canal treatment. The affected area may become swollen after the intervention, which is a normal reaction of the body. The patient may need to rest for 1-2 days after the treatment. It is important to adhere to the oral hygiene precautions and brush the tooth more often than usual.

Cyst removal

Cysts grow constantly after forming. The fluid inside cysts exerts pressure on the surrounding bone tissue that may consequently shrink and get thinner. As normally there are no symptoms, cysts can only be detected by examination or by having a panoramic X-ray done. They may hurt, but can also be completely painless. However, if they get infected, symptoms do occur. Proper treatment is important, since cysts may cause tooth movement or even bone loss.

Bone grafting

Bone loss can be caused by trauma, tumor, cysts, bone diseases or missing teeth. Bone grafting can be used to regenerate bone tissue and increase bone support for loose teeth to keep them in place, to provide a firm foundation for future dental implantations or to strengthen bone tissue around a dental implant.


Periodontitis is a common type of gum disease which is caused by inadequate oral hygiene or genetic disorders. The recession of the tissues that hold the teeth in place can be stopped in almost any case, or it can at least be slowed down. It is important to mention that periodontal treatments should be carried out on a regular basis, and repeated at least every 6 months.


Contact our scheduling department today to make an appointment.

If you need professional dental assistance or just want to smile with more confidence, don’t hesitate to contact us! Simply leave a message on our website, call us or email us, and we will get back to you as soon as we can. We look forward to seeing you smile!